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論文・解説・著書 (*corresponding author)


Kohzuma K* and Miyamoto K* (2024) Analysis of plant physiological responses based on leaf color changes through the development and application of a wireless plant sensor. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 46: 100688


Kozuka T, Oka Y, Kohzuma K, Kusaba M. (2023)  Cryptochromes suppress leaf senescence in response to blue light in Arabidopsis.  Plant Physiol. 191(4):2506-2518.


上妻馨梨* (2022) 光化学反射指数(PRI)による植物の環境ストレス評価 アグリバイオ  Vol.6 (2): 54-56.


Kohzuma K*, Tamaki M, Hikosaka K. (2021) Corrected photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is an effective tool for detecting environmental stresses in agricultural crops under light conditions. Journal of Plant Research. 134(4): 683-694. 

Kohzuma K*, Sonoike K, Hikosaka K. (2021) Imaging, screening and remote sensing of photosynthetic activity and stress responses. Journal of Plant Research. 134(4):649-651.  

上妻馨梨* 滝澤謙二 (2021) 530 nm。透過から見るか?反射から見るか? 光合成研究  31(3): 169-179.


Kohzuma K* (2019) Evaluation of Photosynthetic Behaviors by Simultaneous Measurements of Leaf Reflectance and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analyses. J Vis Exp. (150), e59838.


Kohzuma K*, Hikosaka K. (2018) Physiological validation of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) as a photosynthetic parameter using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 498(1): 52-57.      

上妻馨梨* (2018) 葉緑体チラコイド膜のルーメン pH 可視化を目指して  光合成研究  28(2): 93-97.

Yamatani H, Kohzuma K, Nakano M, Takami T, Kato Y, Hayashi Y, Monden Y, Okumoto Y, Abe T, Kumamaru T, Tanaka A, Sakamoto W, Kusaba M. (2018) Impairment of Lhca4, a subunit of LHCI, causes high accumulation of chlorophyll and the stay-green phenotype in rice.  Journal of experimental botany. 69(5):1027-1035.


Kohzuma K, Sato Y, Ito H, Okuzaki A, Watanabe M, Kobayashi H, Nakano M, Yamatani H, Masuda Y, Nagashima Y, Fukuoka H, Yamada T, Kanazawa A, Kitamura K, Tabei Y, Ikeuchi M, Sakamoto W, Tanaka A, Kusaba M.(2017)The Non-Mendelian Green Cotyledon Gene in Soybean Encodes a Small Subunit of Photosystem II. Plant Physiol. 173(4):2138-2147.


Kohzuma K, Froehlich JF, Davis GA, Temple JA, Minhas D, Dhingra A, Cruz JA, Kramer DM. (2017) The Role of Light-Dark Regulation of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase. Front Plant Sci. 8:1248.


Kanazawa A, Ostendorf  E, Kohzuma K, Hoh D, Strand DD, Sato-Cruz M, Savage L, Cruz JA, Fisher N, Froehlich JE, Kramer DM. (2017) Chloroplast ATP Synthase Modulation of the Thylakoid Proton Motive Force: Implications for Photosystem I and Photosystem II Photoprotection. Front Plant Sci. 8:719.


Kohzuma K, Chiba M, Nagano S, Anai T, Ueda MU, Oguchi R, Shirai K, Hanada K, Hikosaka K, Fujii N. (2017) Mutant selection in the self-incompatible plant radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus) using two-step TILLING. Breeding Science 67(3). 268-276.

Strand DD, Livingston AK, Satoh-Cruz M, Koepke T, Enlow HM, Fisher N, Froehlich JE, Cruz JA, Minhas D, Hixson KK, Kohzuma K, Lipton M, Dhingra A, Kramer DM. (2017) Defects in the Expression of Chloroplast Proteins Leads to H2O2 Accumulation and Activation of Cyclic Electron Flow around Photosystem I. Front Plant Sci. 7:2073.


Davis G, Kanazawa A, Schöttler MA, Kohzuma K, Froehlich JA, Rutherford A, Satoh-Cruz M,  Minhas D, Tietz S, Dhingra A, and Kramer DM. (2016) Limitations to photosynthesis by proton motive force-induced photosystem II photodamage eLIFE. e16921.


上妻馨梨* (2014) 葉緑体ATP合成酵素の機能的多様性 光合成研究 24(3): 76-80.


Kohzuma K, Dal Bosco C, Meurer J, Kramer DM. (2013)  Light- and Metabolism-Related Regulation of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase have Distinct Mechanisms and Functions. J Biol Chem. 288(18):13156-63.

Hoshiyasu S, Kohzuma K, Yoshida K, Fujiwara M, Fukao Y, Yokota A, and Akashi K. (2013) Potential involvement of N-terminal acetylation in the quantitative regulation of the ε subunit of chloroplast ATP synthase under drought stress. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 77(5):998-1007.

Kohzuma K, Dal Bosco C, Kanazawa A, Dhingra A, Kramer DM, and Meurer J. (2013) A Potential Function for the γ2 Subunit (atpC2) of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase. Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China., pp 576-578.


Kohzuma K, Dal Bosco C, Kanazawa A, Dhingra A, Nitschke W, Meurer J, Kramer DM.  (2012) Thioredoxin-insensitive plastid ATP synthase that performs moonlighting functions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(9): 3293-3298.


Livingston AK, Cruz JA, Kohzuma K, Dhingra A, Kramer DM. (2010) An Arabidopsis mutant with high cyclic electron flow around photosystem I (hcef) involving the NADPH dehydrogenase complex. Plant Cell. 22(1):221-233.

Nanasato Y, Miyake C, Takahara K, Kohzuma K, Nakajima Munekage YN, Yokota A and Akashi K. (2010) Chapter 23 -Mechanisms of Drought and High Light Stress Tolerance Studied in a Xerophyte, Citrullus lanatus (Wild watermelon). The Chloroplast: Basics and Applications. Springer. 1st Edition, pp 363-377.


Kohzuma K, Cruz JA, Akashi K, Hoshiyasu S, Munekage YN, Yokota A, Kramer DM. (2009) The long-term responses of the photosynthetic proton circuit to drought. Plant Cell Environ. 32(3): 209-219.

​学会発表  *口頭発表   *ポスター発表

2024  *第64回 日本植物生理学会(神戸)*The 2nd Asia-Oceania International Congress on Photosynthesis (Kobe) *International Symposium on Photosynthesis Research in Honor of Eva-Mari Aro 2024


2023  *第64回 日本植物生理学会(仙台)

2022  *第63回 日本植物生理学会(オンライン)*18th International Congress on Photosynthesis (Virtual)  *第86回 日本植物学会(京都)

2021  *第11回 日本光合成学会(オンラインシンポジウム招待講演 *第1回 超分野植物研究会(オンライン), *第11回 東北植物学会(福島)

2020  *第61回 日本植物生理学会(大阪)要旨発表,

2019  *第60回 日本植物生理学会(名古屋), *第83回 日本植物学会(仙台)シンポジウムオーガナイザー*,

2018 *第59回 日本植物生理学会(札幌),*第82回 日本植物学会(広島), *第9回 日本光合成学会(仙台発表賞*,

2017  *第58回 日本植物生理学会(鹿児島),*第131回 日本育種学会(名古屋), *第7回 東北植物学会(岩手),

2016  *17th International Congress on Photosynthesis (Netherlands), *第57回 日本植物生理学会(岩手),*第7回 日本光合成学会(東京)

2015  *第128回 日本育種学会(新潟)発表賞*

2014  *第5回 日本光合成学会(近畿)発表賞*

2013  *16th International Congress on Photosynthesis (USA), *第54回 日本植物生理学会(岡山)

2011  *The Photosynthesis Gordon Research Conference (USA), *37th Midwest Southeast photosynthesis meeting (USA)

2010  *15th International Congress on Photosynthesis (China), *19th Western Photosynthesis Conference (USA)

2007  *14th International Congress on Photosynthesis (UK), *第48回 日本植物生理学会(愛媛)

2006  *第47回 日本植物生理学会(筑波),

2005  *第15回 関西光合成研究会(近畿),  *第47回 日本農芸化学会(札幌)

2004  *13th International Congress on Photosynthesis (Canada), *第47回 日本農芸化学会(広島),  *第14回 関西光合成研究会(奈良)

© 2018 by Kaori Kohzuma

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